The Legal Department small business attorney

The Legal Department clients are Florida-based small business owners who own professional service practices.

The Legal Department small business attorney

Legal education and collaboration are important parts of how we advise our clients.

The Legal Department small business attorney

We work on a flat-fee basis and offer a limited number of annual memberships for legal services.

We send out one Newsletter per month and one Legal Report per month. If you would like to receive this monthly information, sign up below. 

Service Professionals Are Special.

The Legal Department knows it’s challenging to be a licensed, regulated, or educated service professional who is also a small business owner. There are industry regulations plus business ownership requirements. We help you manage all your legal obligations. You can see more information for your specific profession under Who We Serve in our menu above.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know when I need to talk to a business attorney?

As a small business owner, it can only be beneficial to you to have an established relationship with a business attorney. Whether you are starting a business, buying a business, growing an existing business, or transitioning your business to someone else, it’s essential to have an experienced and knowledgeable attorney to go to for advice and guidance.

I know I need help but I don’t know where to start. How do I tell you what I need?

You don’t know what you don’t know. We hear this all the time! We know dealing with legal issues can be difficult and intimidating. That’s why you hire us – our goal is to explain and give you more information than you probably want to know. We’re not here to judge, we’re here to help! You may suspect you need one thing but it turns out you need another. We can help you determine the right steps to take. We just take it one piece at a time and fix things as we go. We make it a plan you can manage.

Why Should You Build Infrastructure?

You already know that you have some holes in your business. You know you didn’t put everything in place as you went along. So now you’re worried about what you didn’t do. You’re not alone. Most businesses need to button up some areas. The most successful businesses realize this and deal with it. Having a strong business foundation means your business can support growth. It allows you to avoid problems. And for those problems that are unavoidable, it can help you manage an easier resolution.

What if I don’t need an attorney all the time?

Most people think of attorneys as those who go to court – but that’s not us. We’re business attorneys who help you avoid problems. Our goal is to keep you out of the court room by putting proper protections in place for your business. We do this on a project-by-project basis, so you only pay us when you need us. Big corporations spend thousands of dollars on legal fees. Even if a deal goes bad, they can absorb the losses. Small businesses don’t always have the resources to withstand a bad move. We provide you with the necessary legal advice so that you can be protected.

Is everything I tell you confidential? What if you have other clients in my industry?

As attorneys, we have an ethical duty of confidentiality. We cannot disclose anything you tell us without your permission. Chances are, we do have other clients in your industry. But we treat each of our clients individually because no two businesses are the same. Of course, we don’t share your ideas or best practices with anyone else. Even our advice to clients in the same industry ends up being quite different because of the goals and direction each is trying to achieve. So your secrets are safe with us!

“Laurie Lee has provided invaluable legal guidance and support, allowing my business to grow! As a small business owner, I appreciate the fee-based structure as it removes the cost uncertainty of various projects.”

Trish Johnson, APEX Resource Center, LLC

“The Legal Dept is truly one of a kind, incredibly professional service and quality work with timely responses and a genuine desire to help small businesses and individuals.”

Aubrey Van Benthem, Nova Dance & Wellness Academy Inc.

“We are very fortunate to have her as our attorney. She had counseled us on important corporate initiatives and had provided thorough guidance on all aspects of company formation, partnership agreements and other areas.”

Raghunath Menon, Triedata, Inc
The Legal Department small business attorney

Schedule Your Introductory Meeting With The Legal Department!

Want to see how we can help you create the legal infrastructure you need to grow and build your business the RIGHT way?

We Are Experienced. We Serve Small Businesses in Florida. 

The Legal Department is a law firm that has assisted hundreds of small service-based businesses throughout Florida. We are experienced and are familiar with the needs of small businesses.

Every aspect of The Legal Department is designed so that we can work as a trusted advisor to business owners, giving them the attention and knowledge they need to grow and protect their businesses. We focus on moving a business forward, allowing them to embrace their opportunities while also protecting against liabilities.

At The Legal Department, we don’t do hourly billing. All our services are provided on a flat fee basis, which allows us to be transparent with our clients so they know the costs before they hire us. Our mission is to allow small service-based business owners to get the legal advice they need in a way that is simple, dependable and effective.

We offer a wide range of services to help support small businesses looking to do things the right way. Examples of the legal areas we assist with include, Business Formations, Ownership Agreements, Vendor Agreements, Service Agreements, Employee Agreements, Intellectual Property Agreements, and Regulatory Compliance.