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Connect With Us

Just so you know, we don’t work with every small business. Our clients do business in the state of Florida. They provide professional services to their clients, not products. They have 20 employees or less, and above all else, they strive to make sure their small business is set up the RIGHT way. They don’t want to leave things up to chance. If that sounds like you, we’d love to chat about how we can help!

The Legal Department for Service Professionals, PA

4540 Southside Blvd.

Suite 902

Jacksonville, FL 32216

(904) 860-3111

Monday – Thursday | 9 AM — 5 PM

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Here’s what our clients are saying:

“We used The Legal Department to incorporate our business. Laurie is professional, knowledgeable, and respectful. Most importantly to us, she made herself completely accessible and approachable throughout the entire incorporation process.”

Katie DePalma, Bold City Music Company

“Ms. Lee understands and addresses issues from the perspective of a business owner. She is professional, results-driven and shows a keen interest in understanding your business and how to best help it grow.”

James Wallerius, Mister Sparky

“Laurie demonstrated a deep knowledge of business law and experience with working with small businesses and made easy for us to understand how The Legal Department could add value to our company, not just legal services but also business input.”

Vanessa Guerrero, Chamos

We send out one Newsletter per month and one Legal Report per month. If you would like to receive this monthly information, sign up below.